Monday, June 15, 2009

You're a Nary

Good evening! I was thinking again today about restroom etiquette.

Fuck, once again I've typed a sentence that I never thought would escape my fingers. But I really hate editing myself - is sort of subtracts from the experience for both of us.

So - clearly there are some unwritten rules, and I'm sure I can google them all. Just curious if anyone would read this, and even more curiouser if anyone would humor me. In the men's room, don't stand directly next to another guy unless there is no other choice. It gets a little more complex, but that's the basic rule. There's a little saying I made up for the men's room: "When the flood gates are opened, so too shall the wind be broken." You might get it. You might not. It's not all that funny, but when I first thought of it I chuckled enough to rip a fart.

Ladies, if you are reading (and I see no reason you would be), let's say there are three stalls in a restroom. You have just occupied one with the intent of making water, but the gal in the other stall beats you to it. The only sound in the room is her tinkle hitting the water in the bowl. What do you do? I thought of two possible answers: one, you flush the toilet. Two, you find the courage to send your own stream blasting. Soon I will find a voting app to make this a little more anonymous, but you know, we're all friends here. For the most part. But I digress.

I had lots of things to discuss in this post, but I couldn't figure out how they all fit together to make an interesting blog post. I ended up ripping a receipt into pieces and picking whatever was written on the piece of receipt, on which I had written different things in the corners earlier today. So now I'm going to write about... and, I've lost the receipt. Hell. This blog lacks the range of total color necessary to make it consistently interesting. Full time consideration of another endeavor might be in order.

And with that, I introduce you to Mr. Harry Chapin, a philanthropist, genius and all around decent human being which means, of course, that he was killed in a car crash on his way to a charity concert when he was only 40 years old. Because I totally ripped him off in the last paragraph.

And a must see.

I really hope that someday, soon, someone makes a really outstanding video of "The Rock." I've no doubt that it could be done well with the talent that's out there... and perhaps a little guidance from some of us die-hards. However, if you get antsy and want to hear the song, you can find it on youtube but I can't stress enough that you need to KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED. It is a crappy compilation of pictures of rocks that takes up too much attention but isn't worth it. So here's a picture of a cactus flower I took yesterday.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wherever Particular People Gather

I got an email about roundtrip flights from San Diego to Dublin for $459. Who's in? Anyone have a friend over there we can stay with for a few days? Guinness is on me. And hopefully in me.

I was so excited on Monday afternoon - there was a lot of stuff I wanted to get done and for some reason I was excited about all of it. I think it was laundry and cleaning out my car, and getting rid of some more clothes. The excitement wore off pretty quick, for some reason, so I started watching the first season of Burn Notice instead. Likes.

Oh, one question... what kind of books do you all go for when you pick something nonfiction? Some of you read that more than anything else, but I never have. I've been getting kind of jazzed about using my brain, which has been just sort of standing around and helping me keep my balance for a while, and I keep thinking of all these things I want to read that don't involve acid or time travel. I'm torn between reading about something current and learning about something I never really retained in history class. Any suggestions? Biographies and autobiographies tend to bore the hell out of me, so let's stay away from those for now. I heard about a book called Wolf Totem that I might try, or maybe something about some period of the Roman empire...

I just started reading Thomas More's Utopia and I'm on page 48... of the introduction. So it might be a while.

I don't have any videos screaming at me to be posted, or funny stories or anything like that, so I'll put up a piece of my drunken, late night whinery from about a decade ago. Enjoy!

Alone beside you
Closeness and distance unrelated
You, looking not into my eyes but past them
At what? Maybe it exists, maybe you just want it to
Perhaps I should stop trying to conform to it or
Perhaps it is conforming to me
Perhaps I will never untwist enough for the seed to take root
In this barren rocky region
Where nothing grows, only stagnates
Withers and dies
But is revived temporarily
Only to begin dying again
When I am alone beside you